This was the first Loose Cannons race I'm in town for that I don't participate in since their inception January '08. I banged up my ankle a bit on Tuesday night in Ft. Lauderdale while fooling around so I questioned whether I could race or not. Though I'm still able to ride at a moderate speed I truly didn't feel that I could put in my all tonight. I decided to sit this one out & take some poor quality pics & video instead. I still biked the race route but I took off about 10 minutes in advance so I could be at the finish line before the winners. Enjoy.

The starting location of bike race was the Adidas store in S. Beach. Adidas was handing out gift bags that included wristbands, headbands, and the October issue of Paper magazine. A costume contest coincided with the race, the prize was a $200 gift certificate from the store. The costume contest ended in a tie. The gift certificate from Adidas was split between James (as a Hooters girl) & Sean & his tandem bike w/ blow up doll. Approximately 45 cyclists showed up, a pretty great turn out considering it was a Wednesday night & a few of the usual suspects were missing.

This is the first 'street' race in Miami I see liability waivers at. I don't have a problem with the waivers. The people putting on these loosely organized/unsanctioned races need to protect their assets/asses from lawyers, parents, etc. You are all responsible for your actions, but unfortunately some folks like to blame others for their woes sometimes.

Below is some very dark 'raw footage' of 1st, 2nd & 3rd place coming in at the finish line. It was a 4.7 mile race from S. Beach to PS14. 4th place came in over 1 minute later followed by some 40+ riders. The audio is loud & clear, that's about the only positive thing I can say about video quality.
The race results were as follows: 1st Ferny (Lancito Brazofuerte), 2nd Alex Fix (lost by a split second), & 3rd Angel (Thriller Crew). All three really stomped the competition.
Angel really must be commended for placing 3rd in this get up. Probably the only instance you will encounter a helmet advocate recommend a cyclist not to wear one.

Here's a small clip of a few of the cyclists after the race outside PS14.
Thanks a lot to Joel (IAmYourVillain) for hosting this event, Adidas for the giveaways , PS14 for the $1 beers, and to all the cyclists that made it out.
Pictured below is 1st place Ferny 'Lancito Bravofuerte'. I honestly think dude only won because of all his corporate sponsorship & Redbull. There's allegations floating around of possible blood doping too.

This race is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Winner of the race gets a $50 bar tab @ PS14. It's totally worth checking out whether you are fast, slow or just out to have fun & meet nice people on a cool ride. If you have a bicycle try to make it out next time.
Photos by Frankie Galland
The starting location of bike race was the Adidas store in S. Beach. Adidas was handing out gift bags that included wristbands, headbands, and the October issue of Paper magazine. A costume contest coincided with the race, the prize was a $200 gift certificate from the store. The costume contest ended in a tie. The gift certificate from Adidas was split between James (as a Hooters girl) & Sean & his tandem bike w/ blow up doll. Approximately 45 cyclists showed up, a pretty great turn out considering it was a Wednesday night & a few of the usual suspects were missing.
This is the first 'street' race in Miami I see liability waivers at. I don't have a problem with the waivers. The people putting on these loosely organized/unsanctioned races need to protect their assets/asses from lawyers, parents, etc. You are all responsible for your actions, but unfortunately some folks like to blame others for their woes sometimes.
Below is some very dark 'raw footage' of 1st, 2nd & 3rd place coming in at the finish line. It was a 4.7 mile race from S. Beach to PS14. 4th place came in over 1 minute later followed by some 40+ riders. The audio is loud & clear, that's about the only positive thing I can say about video quality.
The race results were as follows: 1st Ferny (Lancito Brazofuerte), 2nd Alex Fix (lost by a split second), & 3rd Angel (Thriller Crew). All three really stomped the competition.
Angel really must be commended for placing 3rd in this get up. Probably the only instance you will encounter a helmet advocate recommend a cyclist not to wear one.
Here's a small clip of a few of the cyclists after the race outside PS14.
Thanks a lot to Joel (IAmYourVillain) for hosting this event, Adidas for the giveaways , PS14 for the $1 beers, and to all the cyclists that made it out.
Pictured below is 1st place Ferny 'Lancito Bravofuerte'. I honestly think dude only won because of all his corporate sponsorship & Redbull. There's allegations floating around of possible blood doping too.
This race is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Winner of the race gets a $50 bar tab @ PS14. It's totally worth checking out whether you are fast, slow or just out to have fun & meet nice people on a cool ride. If you have a bicycle try to make it out next time.
Photos by Frankie Galland
waivers? i didn't sign any waivers!