About 15 riders showed up to last Thursday's race, a decent turnout considering the weather. Most people didn't realize this but the race was almost cancelled a few hours before the start and it wasn't due to inclement weather.
Late Thursday afternoon I received a phone call from Joel at IamYourVillain about having to postpone the race until October 6th because the Electric Pickle was temporarily shut down due to a code violation. Loose Cannons has been going on since January 2008 and we've never skipped a month so I did not want to break tradition now. After a little brainstorming I decided to ask Joel to just get two 24 packs and post up at the finish line anyways. We kept the venues temporary closure a secret and it worked out great, after the race we just posted up and drank all the beers outside. This marked the 45th Loose Cannons race! The whole ordeal reminded me of the time we had to hustle to make the epic April Fools' race happen due to PS14 closing its doors a few hours before the race. Loose Cannons is on the first Thursday of every month, next race is October 6th. Helmets and lights highly recommended.
1st Eric Z
2nd Sergio
3rd Rydel D (1st fixed)
1st female - Amy P

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