To no surprise the monthly Miami Critical Mass ride continues to grow, an estimated 3,500-4,000 cyclists participated on Friday, June 28th. To all the wonderful people who attend Miami Critical Mass, please keep it positive and don't allow a few rejects ruin it for everybody else. To the rejects, you know exactly who you are.. the ones consuming alcohol prior to and during the ride, spitting on cars, riding against traffic and/or erratically, yelling at motorists and pedestrians, etc. You are not welcomed on this ride, feel free to start your own bullshit ride, we'll even help promote it for you.. and call it the Tour de Come Pingas.
Though Miami Critical Mass may be disliked by some motorists and even a few pedestrians, it is essential in promoting bicycling as a means of transportation in South Florida. There's no denying that this particular ride is solely responsible for getting hundreds of citizens on bicycles, more than any other local ride, event, program, organization, etc. It's a free and fun activity that one must experience on a bicycle, skateboard, and/or skates to truly comprehend. And they'll continue doing it!
Check out close to 200 great photos from the June Miami Critical Mass ride courtesy of Slipstream Photography.

Also, watch this excellent video courtesy of ESP Miami.
Though Miami Critical Mass may be disliked by some motorists and even a few pedestrians, it is essential in promoting bicycling as a means of transportation in South Florida. There's no denying that this particular ride is solely responsible for getting hundreds of citizens on bicycles, more than any other local ride, event, program, organization, etc. It's a free and fun activity that one must experience on a bicycle, skateboard, and/or skates to truly comprehend. And they'll continue doing it!
Check out close to 200 great photos from the June Miami Critical Mass ride courtesy of Slipstream Photography.

Also, watch this excellent video courtesy of ESP Miami.
Very artistically done!