The M-Path (future Underline) just received fresh green zebra crossings at several intersections along US 1 in Coconut Grove (SW 22 Ave, SW 19 Ave, SW 17 Ave, and SW 16 Ave). In addition to the crosswalk upgrades, these known conflict points now have 'No Turn On Red' signs for motorists approaching the M-Path from the north, and southbound traffic on US1 received 'Turning Vehicles Must Yield To Cyclists / Pedestrians' signs. These green zebra crossings are welcomed, but in Miami you should always bicycle defensively and be very aware of motorists driving irresponsibly. Watch the video below and you will see one motorist making an illegal right on red on SW 16th Ave, and another not halt at the stop sign on SW 19th Ave while exiting the neighborhood.
See FDOT project here.
In other related news we are excited to announce that Phase 1 of The Underline (Brickell Backyard) will be opening in early October 2020. This half mile section begins at the Miami River south to SW 13th Street. We recently communicated with Meg Daly (founder and president of Friends of The Underline) and she let us know that "the biking and walking paths are in place, the outdoor gym between SW 7th and 8th streets is coming together, the Promenade sound stage is poured and the gaming tables and dining table are being fabricated. The Oolite Room between Metromover and SW 13th is looking beautiful with boulders for seating. Butterflies are everywhere, zebra longwing, monarchs, viceroys and dragonflies and birds. The Underline is also going to improve the crossings at SW 7th St, SW 8th St, and Coral Way. These intersections will have crosswalks similar to the new crossings along Coconut Grove."
Usage along the M-Path, future Underline, continued to set record highs in April 2020 for pedestrians and cyclists. During Mayor Gimenez' Safer at Home order, one of the few options for outdoor exercise was walking and biking while maintaining appropriate social distancing. And people were coming out in droves to use the M-Path, the asphalt mixed use trail below Metrorail from the Miami River to Dadeland South. In April, nearly 20,000 people walked and biked on the M-Path near the Metrorail Vizcaya Station according to the Miami-Dade TPO’s user counts. April’s total usage represents a whopping 82% increase over the 10,443 users for the same month in 2019.
To learn more abut The Underline sign up for their newsletter at theunderline.org/join
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