Ugh, I was testing out a template for the private MIA Fixed blog and unknowingly had the Miami Bike Scene edit window open. I thought I was editing the other blog when in fact I uploaded the new xml code into this blog. As a result all blogger gadgets were lost and all calendar events, template, links, etc. disappeared. Fortunately the blog content is still here, I will try to recall what I had on the side panels & attempt to fix it when time permits. Slowly but surely I'll get most of it back to normal.. grin & bear it.

Don't forget Critical Mass is Friday, September 25th!

I was able to recover most all the lost data, thanks for the link via comments. I guess it worked out for the best, I changed the layout and now there's no clutter of links, bike shop info, etc. on the side panel. I added header buttons for 'Links' , 'Bike Shops', 'MIA Fixed' & 'Critical Mass'. Also added a 'label' word cloud and 'followers' gadget. Still need to tweak some minor things but the blog should be working fine now.